Tamiko Thiel
Artworks exploring the intersection of space, place and cultural memory.
SIGGRAPH 2024, 28 July – 1 August in Denver, USA
I will receive the Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement in Digital Art! I am still wobbly-kneed at being named to this illustrious group, with so many true s/heros of mine! SIGGRAPH was so important for the beginning of my career as a media artist, in the early days when few art venues would dare to show VR artworks.AWE XR Hall of Fame
I am honored to be part of the first cohort inducted into the newly formed XR Hall of Fame, including many of my s/heros and friends! Unfortunately I can't attend the AWE conferences this year due to prior committments elsewhere, I would have so loved to celebrate this together with you all! :-(CAI Magazine's Top 20 Most Famous Digital Artists
According to the ranking algorithm on artfacts.net, I am #10 on this list! Read their description of how they came up with the rankings. Grateful that I lived to see the words "famous" and "digital" and "artists" in the same sentence in art magazines! :-)CURRENT and UPCOMING:
08 June - 20 July 2024 @ Yvonne Hohner Contemporary, Karlsruhe, Germany
Joint exhibit with dear friend and fantastic artist Gretta Louw (paintings), curated by the wonderful Anabel Roque Rodríguez!
Thank you Yvonne and Anabel for this invitation to exhibit a series of AR enhanced fine art prints "Plastocene Dreams" (2024), the AR installation "Waldwandel/Forest Flux" (2023, with /p) , and my "Fractured Duckies" series of hand made, unique play dough ducklings (2024)!

Plastocene Dreams AR enhanced fine art prints, 2024

Yvonne Hohner peering into Waldwandel/Forest Flux AR livestream (2023, with /p)

Fractured Duckies Series: DuckyZero (far left, 2019), and DuckyOne, DuckyTwo, DuckyThree and MiniDuckyZero (2024)
ISEA Media ARt Festival @ Meanjin/Brisbane, Australia
Keynote speaker and exhibiting artist: 21-29 June, 2024
"As Above, So Below", QUT Art Museum
Exhibition dates: 23 June - 13 October 2024
Elemental Spaces, Mixed Reality Work in Progress

Elemental Spaces/Elementalraum, mixed reality installation
An ongoing project that invites participants to inhabit the deep time of geologic and cosmic processes, this is an interactive mixed reality experience in which participants‘ actions in the real world release elements that change the virtual world. Participants form first the universe, then the solar system, then the Earth, and finally enable life on Earth. This piece also confronts our illusion that if we can describe a natural phenomenon we have mastered it: participants are in the role of sorcerer‘s apprentices who set in motion processes they cannot control.
Until 01 Oct 2024 @ EVOLUON, Eindhoven, Holland
Lend Me Your Face participatory deepfake AI, Tamiko Thiel and /p, 2020
A person encounter with how AI can manipulate and control your own face.
In the exhibit "RetroFuture" curated by Ruben Baart.

EXTENDED UNTIL May 2025, at the Paulskirche, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Revolution and Return, by Tamiko Thiel and /p
Interactive AR installation, 2023
In "DEMO-" AR exhibit, from wava.ar and Netzwerk Paulkirche (until 2024)

Revolution and Return, interactive AR installation, Tamiko Thiel and /p, 2023.
At the Paulskirche, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Photos: Ben Livne Weitzman
At the Paulskirche, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Photos: Ben Livne Weitzman
Silver coins of the German states, carrying the profiles of their respective German monarchs and symbols of their personal power, fall from the sky. With a touch you can transform them into the founding constitutional documents of the first unified German nation-state, which forced them to give up control of their realms in 1848.
But what happens when gold ducats of the powerful Prussian King and Austrian Emperor begin to rain down from above?
NOTES: On the first, failed attempt at democracy in Germany, in 1848.
Official City of Munich Art in Public Space:
AR installation, Tamiko Thiel, 2022
Sited @ the Juliet Capulet sculpture in Marienplatz
Commissioned for the ARORA / #MakeUsVisible / denkFEmale Munich AR virtual monuments exhibit, 2022. All artworks are visible around the world as well - follow links on website.

#JulietToo, AR installation, Tamiko Thiel and /p, 2022. Marienplatz Munich, next to the Old City Hall/Toy Museum
Created by sculptor Nereo Constantini to honor the tragic, 13 year old heroine of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet", the sculpture was donated to Munich in 1974 by its Partner City Verona, Italy. In the wake of #MeToo there has been much discussion of the tourist practice of rubbing (and licking) the patina off of Juliet's right breast "to bring luck".
To contribute to the discussion, #JulietToo surrounds the Juliet sculpture with her body positive avatars as amazon and as Viking shield maiden, warrior women who bared their breasts in battle as a sign of strength, rather than submission.
KUNSTFORUM International: 20 page (!) interview in guest editor Pamela Scorzin's "Mixed Realities" volume.(In German - contact me for English)

KUNSTFORUM International #290 "Mixed Realities", Editor Pamela Scorzin, interview pages 106 - 125.