Tamiko Thiel
Evolution of Fish
Interactive Augmented Reality Large Projection Installation, by Tamiko Thiel and /p, 2019
Created during an artist residency for the Digital Graffiti Festival, Alys Beach, Florida, May 17th - 18th, 2019

Evolution of Fish is an augmented reality large projection that turns the surroundings--outside on building facades, or inside on gallery walls--into an underwater reef, filled with schools of fish. Visitors can use iPads to guide the fish around the space--but the more they intervene in the virtual ecosystem, the more the fish turn to plastic garbage. Originally created for the Digital Graffiti Festival in the Florida Gulf Coast, the installation includes large silvery Amberjacks, game fish known for their love of debris, and colorful reef fish that will become more common on the Florida Gulf Coast, as they migrate northward due to warming waters.

Gallery installation with large AR projection

Digital Art Space, Director Dr. Karin Wimmer, Munich
Solo Exhibition: 11 October - 30 November 2019

For this participatory installation we asked people to contribute their own plastic waste to hang on all surfaces of the gallery. We transformed the Digital Art Space into an "underwater cave" made of very real plastic, illuminated by our augmented schools of fish--and the visitors in the gallery.

evolution of fish gallery installation

We asked participants to think about what objects included plastic parts, and received nylon stockings, shoes, toys, clothes, pens and other office articles, and of course plastic packaging - including large numbers of bags and tubs for "natural foods." This exhibit will change at each venue to reflect local products and packaging. Visitors to the completed installation will discover many of their own commonly used products in our "cave."

Viewing the Evolution of Fish gallery installation through a smartphone running the Evolution of Fish app.

Evolution of Fish large AR projection incorporates anyone in front of the AR camera into the installation.

Threats to Ocean Ecosystems in the Anthropocene

Evolution of Fish seeks to playfully engage the public in a very serious threat to ocean ecosystems: ocean borne plastic waste. The links below are a work in progress as I seek positive responses to how this can be solved - or at least ameliorated.

Ocean borne plastic waste